East Linton and area Dunpender Area East Lothian

We have a selection of photos from our area for you. It is a fabulous area for photographs with old buildings, rivers, woods, sea and countryside
East Linton Gala 2018
East Linton Gala Day 2018

East Linton Drama Group - Aladdin - February 2018

East Linton Gala 2017
East Linton Gala Day 2017

Dunpender Winter Winter in the East Linton area

Some pictures from East Linton

The Dunpender area, including Whitekirk, Tyninghame, Markle and Whittingehame, the River Tyne and the stunning coastline.

Variety from East Lothian.

Old postcards of East Linton from 1900s onwards - many thanks to Derek Knight for these

If have any photographs you think we should have, please contact us

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