Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - November 2023
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday
2nd November at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mr R Russel Mrs V Hoban Mrs Cosgrove Mr E Martin Mr D Wight

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Isabel Lindsay, Lorna Field, Anthony Jeffries, Cllr L Jardine, Verity Sinclair, Catherine and Peter Courtney

1. Apologies: Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Pearson, Mr I Young, Cllr D Collins

2. Minutes of meeting and AGM held on 5th October were agreed.

3. Police Report

Housebreakings continue to be on the rise in East Lothian and again the community are to be reminded to report any suspicious incidents and be security aware. Between 1st October 2023 and 31st October 2023 there were 42 calls to the area. This resulted in police recording 6 crimes, categorised as follows:

• 1x vandalism.

• 1x fraud.

• 1x theft.

• 1x dangerous driving.

• 1x driving whilst using mobile phone.

• 1x misc road traffic offence (endorsable).

Cllr Collins provided an update from the CAPP meeting. The Police have agreed to do more speed checks at Tyninghame and have been requested to carry out speed checks at Monksmuir following concerns by residents about an increase in traffic volume and driver behaviour.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Vacancies

Isabel Lindsay and Lorna Field were welcomed as potential new members for Markle.

4.2. Local Place Plan

Mr Wight has circulated a draft report to members for review. There were 149 responses which is about 10% of the population. The responses were fairly consistent with a general pattern for the next 10 years including traffic calming, better public transport (more buses to North Berwick) and active travel provision. There was a focus on biodiversity and protection of green space. Further new housing was generally not welcome and any build should be small and affordable. Concern was expressed over the need for a new school and the need to promote small businesses and boost the economy of East Linton. There was a desire for more shops and restaurants/places to eat. Mr Wight will seek engagement with the school to ensure the wishes of young people are captured. There will then be a public event for residents to view the plan.

4.3. Roads

4.3.1. Preston Road

Funding has been withdrawn as ELC have decided new capital projects not already scheduled are cancelled. As this is the first time that area partnership funding has been removed after it has been granted there is an appetite within DCC to challenge ELC as to whether the use of the 1% devolved to area partnerships is a statutory spend or a guideline. Mrs Priest will seek alternative funding. Cllr Jardine suggested contacting MSP offices for assistance with the application and funding sources.

4.3.2. A199 at Orchardfield

ELC are reluctant, at this time, to lower the speed limit to 40mph due to cost and no method of enforcement. This may be addressed when the Active Freeway project is underway when the A199 may have a general 40mph limit.

4.3.3. Smeaton Mirror

Mr Russel has a new mirror to install at Smeaton to replace the existing one.

4.4. Meetings Attended

4.4.1. Hall AGM

Mrs Hoban attended the meeting on 10th October and reported on 600 bookings, a new urn, the roof having been fixed and new curtain rails. Repairs are outstanding for the back wall and gable and the foyer is to be made into a more attractive social area. The NO DOG policy will be enforced. Around £1700 is outstanding from approx. 30 debtors and this is being chased. A bookings officer and property manager are being sought.

4.4.2. John Muir Country Park Advisory Trust

Mr Russel and Ms Pearson attended. Concerns were raised about parking around Shore Road and flooding of the ponds at the caravan park which also have blue green algae. Flooding has been exacerbated by roadworks at the A1 and the new Cala homes. Bird flu is rampant. A contractor is being sought to address the landslide on the John Muir Way. Rangers are regularly talking to the public about responsible access.

4.4.3. RAGES

Mrs Cosgrove reported that fewer Transpenine trains than hoped for will be stopping at East Linton in the first year although the existing Scotrail service to Dunbar will stop. It was agreed to hold a community event in February to celebrate the opening of the station which is due in December and will be accompanied by a Scotrail opening event. Mr Wight highlighted that the LPP responses expressed a desire for a regular, frequent service.

4.5. Footpaths

4.5.1. Smeaton

Mr Russel reported that work has commenced on the section of path at the back entrance to Smeaton which will link to Binning Wood running along the field inside the hedge.

4.5.2. Binning Wood from Tyninghame

Mr Wight has a meeting planned with Nick Morgan and Stevie McKinlay from ELC to clarify where gates will be installed and to confirm whether the Area Partnership amenities budget can be allocated for the labour required to install the gate. DCC have provided funds for one of the gates.

4.5.3. Pencraig

Ms Pearson has applied to DELAP for £5000 funding. She had a site visit with Nick Morgan and Stevie†McKinley and will investigate alternative funding sources after it was indicated a further £1000 will be required.

4.6. Dunpender News

Mrs Hoban has received 21 articles which have been passed to Jill Taylor. A first draft is due on 10th November and Ms Pearson will proof read it.

5. Finance

Mr Martin confirmed a balance of £2736.91 in bank after the provision of £360 to Tyninghame for a gate and £361 to East Linton Christmas lights for insurance, It was agreed to donate £250 to Dunbar FoodShare for a Christmas lunch.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

The new bridge and crossing is the biggest issue of concern for Markle residents who are receiving no updates on the matter. Mrs Priest agreed to contact Peter Forsyth for an update of the current situation and to request regular communications. Mrs Cosgrove will ask Network Rail to extend their station updates to Markle residents. The good news is that the drains in Markle seem to be coping better with heavy rains.

7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Martin reported that the speed reactive sign is now correctly located and having a positive impact. Mr Wight confirmed that it is now 2 years since the sign at Tyninghame was working.

8. Planning Matters

8.1. East Fortune Family Park

High Street properties have received leaflets about the park and these are also available in in Co-op. DCC have objected based on the location and impact of increased traffic. Cllr Jardine highlighted that the business case for a second park in close proximity to the existing park is not a material planning consideration but traffic impact is so that should form the basis of any objections. Mr Wight clarified that the LPP survey was clear on a desire for no more traffic in East Linton and that increasing tourism should not increase traffic. Concerns were expressed about traffic from the view of the number of cyclists using these roads.

9. Projects

9.1. Fountain

Mr Martin has provided Mrs Priest with the invoices relating to the pump which has gone missing. Mrs Priest will analyse the invoices and speak to Paul Ianetta about a price for a new pump.

10. Correspondence

10.01 05/10 ELC K Scott: white lining at A199 Hillfoots junction
10.02 05/10 - 25/10 ELC: Journey Hubs meetings
10.03 08/10 DELAP: Pause on all new Roads projects
10.04 09/10 ELC J Ogden-Smith: Services for Older people engagement
10.05 09/10 ELC J O-S: ELothian Independent Advocacy Strategy
10.06 12/10 F Elliot (for Cllr Jardine): Proposed speed limit on a199 at Orchardfield
10.07 12/10 L Field: potential member for Markle
10.08 17/10 H White: funding request Christmas lights insurance
10.09 20/10 ELC SDivers: ELothian Educational Trust
10.10 23/10 AELCC: AGM 15 Nov
10.11 24/10 McLennan: Progress on LB and repainting yellow lines?

Mr Russel reported that whitelining at Hillfoots junction will take place when the weather permits.
Mr Wight attended an online meeting about Journey hubs which aim to encourage public transport and active travel but expressed a concern that the focus seemed to be facilities at hubs and not more frequent buses. Mrs Cosgrove has applied to sit on the board of East Lothian Education Trust.
AELCC AGM - Ms Pearson and Mrs Shaw-Stewart will attend. Mr Russel is following up on missing Yellow lines.
Mrs Priest will contact G Kane about the random black-out of lights on High Street. Cllr Jardine spoke to Ian Chalmers (ELC - Flood Officer) earlier in the year about flooding at the underpass. He was looking at what the developer could do about water flowing down the new path and was planning to contact the landowner about a solution in the corner of the field. Cllr Jardine will chase this up.
Linn Rock residents confirmed 2 incidents of poachers after recent heavy rain. They challenged the poachers and have reported very unpleasant response. Mr Young has also raised this at CAPP.

11. Any Other Business

Mrs Cosgrove reported on a Community Rail Award for the murals at Preston Pans. .
Mr Russel will install anti slip strips to the bridge at the mill lade. The £100 cost was agreed. Cllr Jardine will follow up on concerns about the kerb at the Mart entrance which was to be have been addressed as part of the station. Although the wall has been reinstated the grass has not been removed at the bus stop.
A new gala committee is in place and Mrs Cosgrove will provide accounts to the new treasurer.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 7th December 2023