Dunpender Community Council
Chairman's Report June 2023


Chairman's report for the year ending 31st March 2023 presented to the Annual General Meeting on 1 June 2023

Postholders for the year were: J Priest Chairman; A Cosgrove Vice-chairman; J Swift Secretary and E Martin Treasurer.

Members: Barry Craighead, Jon Swift and Neil Morland resigned, Rob Cramb and Iain Young joined. We are two members short and itís proving difficult to fill these spaces, leaving extra work for the rest of us.

This has been a trying year generally for the Community Council. We lost some very able members and seem to have spent a lot of time on matters which remain unresolved. Antisocial behaviour at the Linn Rocks is proving hard to solve, the installation of fibre internet by Lothian Broadband led to months of irritation and most of our pavements left in an even worse state than before. Someone drove through the wall of Linton Brig and itís taken 6 months to repair it. A meeting with ELC about EV charging points has produced no result. We had to spend a lot of time and money on new defibrillators, efforts to have a Waterpoint installed have failed and the Fountain has not survived the winter.
The footpath from Tyninghame to Binning Wood has still not been achieved. We are still trying to improve safety at Preston Road, twenty years after a resident of the Dean asked for something to be done.

During the year our members have, among other things:

 continued work on producing a Local Place Plan
 discussed and in some cases objected to planning applications with the issue of noise from the Mart remaining unresolved
 forced Scottish Power to reinstate the area around St Baldredís Well
 succeeded with installation of BT broadband in Whitekirk
 held a successful Community Fair in August for all local groups
 pushed Stewart Milne Homes into completing the footpath to the railway underpass
 complained and possibly resolved the problem of Motocross events in Tyninghame Estate
 created a Facebook page
 Joined discussions on possible Community benefit from the next windfarm
 Increased our influence at the Dunbar Area Partnership by taking the vice-chair position and forming a Transport sub-group.

Members continued to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of online consultations and meetings this year including two Area Partnerships, Association of EL Community Councils, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups, Countryside Volunteers, the Local Access Forum, Community Rail Partnership, RAGES and Tyninghame Hall.

We produced a winter edition of Dunpender News and have a new Facebook page

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website www.eastlinton.uk.com, to Rob Cramb for the Facebook page, to Ms Hunter who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.

Judith Priest 25th May 2023