Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - October 2022

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 6th October at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr N Morland, Mrs V Hoban, Mr E Martin

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine, Rob Cramb, Anthony Jeffrey, Eilidh Shaw, Sue Holder

1. Apologies: Mr D Wight, Mr R Russel, Mrs J Priest, Mrs L Shaw Stewart, Mr J Swift, Ms A Pearson, Cllr C McFarlane, Cllr L Allen

2. Minutes of meeting held 1st September June were agreed with the following correction under Correspondence:

Cllr Jardine reported on a £1m fund from ELC and one of the wind farm developers to be announced with the aim of helping with fuel poverty and provision of grants for retrofitting homes to improve sustainability.

This fund should renew each year and other wind farm developers will be invited to become involved.

Cllr Jardine advised consultation date had closed but anyone objecting should do so as soon as possible

3. Police Report

No report provided

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Vacancy

Rob Cramb attended as a possible new member.

4.2. East Linton Station

Mrs Cosgrove reported that the lifts are being installed. She was disappointed to hear that residents of Andrew Meikle Grove are not receiving communications from Network Rail.
Sue Holder asked if work on the car park had paused while the dispute over land ownership continued as reported in the Courier. Neil Morland reiterated the response from Peter Forsyth at the last meeting when he explained that ELC were confident they owned the land.

4.3. Markle Crossing

Questions posed to Peter Forsyth regarding the design presented at the last DCC meeting were answered as follows:
The existing right of way between East Linton and Markle will no longer be accommodated under the bridge as shown in the original consultation because extending the bridge deck span over the right of way will significantly increase the cost of the structure and will require the structural form to be changed from a concrete to a steel superstructure. The preferred option is to create an approximately 80m to 90m realignment of the path route as shown on the last diagram. † The provision for pedestrians crossing the bridge is a shared, segregated 3m footway/cycleway which will taper towards the carriageway over the bridge span in order to minimise the cross section of the bridge. The footway/cycleway cross-section will provide sufficient clearance between pedestrians, dogs and cyclists. Verges will also be provided. Cross-section proposed: road carriageway, segregation strip, 3m shared use path (westbound side only), verge, fenceline/boundary.
new footway cycle/way provided as part of the road link.
At the DCC meeting in February it was stated there would be a pre-planning consultation for residents once the exact location of the road and the design was known. Outline design work for the proposed structure is currently underway and will presented for review in early October. Mrs Cosgrove repeated the statement from ELC from the last meeting that the crossing would be closed if the road is not in place when the station opens. Mr Morland stated that

4.4. Meetings attended

4.4.1. Lothian Broadband

Mrs Cosgrove met with a representative from Lothian broadband. This local company which specializes in providing broadband to rural area is currently laying fibre cables. A free connection will be offered to the Community Hall and the Bowling club. Similar connections are in place in Whitekirk and Tyninghame.

4.4.2. Local Access Forum

Mr Swift has put the Linn Rocks issue on the agenda for the meeting later this month. Eilidh Shaw expressed a desire to attend the meeting if possible. Ms Hunter will pass her e-mail address to Mr Swift.

4.4.3. RAGES

Mr Martin attended RAGES AGM and provided copies of the presentation and notes of RAGES finances. Pressure will be put on Scotrail and National Rail regarding capacity on the line. Mrs Cosgrove reported that there will be a reduction in funding for the next planning period starting in 2024 which may impact plans for another rail from Newcastle to Edinburgh which would allow stations at Haddington and Blindwells.

4.4.4. East Linton Primary Parent Council

Mr Morland reported that the school budget is approx. £1000 per pupil for books and equipment so fundraising by the parent council is vital. At the last meeting they agreed to provide funds to assist with P7 camp and establishing a quiet space in the school. An enthusiastic membership has a program of fund raising activities planned which will be advertised locally. Mrs Cosgrove highlighted that East Lothian Educational Trust can provide help with camp expenses. No update on the proposals for a new school.

4.4.5. Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership

Mrs Cosgrove and Cllr Jardine attended the meeting. Representatives had been sought for sub groups on strategic planning and governance which Cllr Jardine confirmed should be short term groups. Mr Wight was suggested for the ëOn the Moveí subgroup. Concerns were expressed that East Linton are under-represented. Mr Craighead is vice-chair of DELAP but is no longer a member of DCC. Cllr Jardine reported that a review of the purpose of the area partnership, their relationship with ELC and how they engage with communities to clarify their priorities is underway.

4.5. Footpaths

4.5.1. Repairs at mill lade

Sue Holder reported that new steps were in place.

4.5.2. White Bridge

Sue Holder reported that the bridge had been painted.

4.5.3. Longstone ROW

No update

4.6. Preston Road

Mrs Cosgrove reported that funding is now not available for the extended pavement and demand responsive traffic lights required to address safety issues. Alan Stubbs (ELC Roads Service Manager) indicated that the previous chair of DELAP confirmed it was not a priority and funding was removed. Mrs Cosgrove stated that DELAP were never approached for funding and queried whether the suggestion of placing a request for £25,000 to DELAP would be successful given the total roads budget is £30,000.

4.7. Primary School ñ unanswered questions

Cllr Jardine reported that the education estates review is coming to the next education committee following which more information should be available.
Mr Morland stated that the funding package was agreed with Scottish Futures Trust and ELC had committed their budget before election. Cllr Jardine reported that all budgets are now being re-visited due to funding pressures. Mr Morland is expecting an update before the end of year and a further consultation on design which Cllr Jardine confirmed would be to Passivehaus standards.

4.8. Warm Home Scotland

Mr Martin attended a presentation in North Berwick and was disappointed in the poor attendance. The presentation covered solar panels and batteries and loans available to assist with improvements.

5. Projects

5.1. Fountain

Mrs Cosgrove reported that following the removal of a blockage in the pump the fountain is working. Mr Martin has not received an invoice from the plumber. Mr Martin committed to DCC maintaining the fountain to the end of this financial year. The restoration was paid for by a grant from DELAP.

6. Planning Matters:

6.1. Unfinished footpath at Longstone ROW

Cllr Jardine contacted ELC planning enforcement and was told the issue was under investigation. Mrs Priest reported that work had started at the lower end of the path connecting the Stewart Milne estate to the underpass.

6.2. Local Place Plan

Mr Morland reported that ELC welcome input from community councils and has provided timescales for production of this plan which complements the Local Development Plan. He is due to attend the AELCC: Planning presentation on LPlace Plan.
He expressed his view that this is a desirable document and DCC needs to consult the community on how they see land and buildings being used but questioned the time and resources required. Mr Martin reported that Gifford used external consultants. Cllr Jardine highlighted the Planning Aid for Scotland volunteer planners program as potentially useful.

6.3. The Mart

Cllr Jardine confirmed that the new planning application had been granted.

6.4. Markle Quarry

Nothing to report

6.5. Invite to Keith Dingwall

Mr Morland has contacted Keith Dingwall regarding compliance with planning conditions at The Mart, Markle Quarry, Monksmuir and The Orchard. He has asked for a list of conditions applied to each application and an explanation of how these are being enforced. He has received no response but will pursue this.

7. Finance:

7.1. Christmas Lights Insurance

DCC have agreed to provide £350 funding for the lights insurance and recognized the work carried out by this volunteer group.

7.2. Repairs to Planters

DCC have provided funding to the Horticultural Society to pay for compost and plants.
Appreciation was expressed for the effort put in by society members to improve the appearance of East Linton.

7.3. General

Mr Martin reported the current balance as £4345. The grant from ELC was £4587. £990 is to be reserved for producing Dunpender News. It was confirmed that DCC do not carry out any fundraising and that any unused funds are carried forward to the next year.

8. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Cllr Jardine is working with Mrs Shaw Stewart and the Whittingehame community in relation to the latest planning application for Papple Steading.
Mr Morland reported that Markle residents are waiting for the preplanning consultation on the new bridge and news of the land purchase. They are very interested in any developments.

9. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

9.1. BT Openreach

Mr Martin has written to Craig Hoy, Martin Whitfield and Paul Mclennan to express his concern about the lack of engagement with Whitekirk residents on access to fibre broadband. Cllr Jardine reported that similar issues exist in smaller communities throughout East Lothain. ELC Economic Development Team now have access to the Scottish Government mapping system which shows the location of fibre but there is concern that the information feeding this is from the broadband providers. Work is underway to extract information from local sources to enhance the map. She is interested with working the community councils who could provide contacts or information on what is actually present in their area. She is covering Tyninghame, Whittingehame and Stenton. Cllr Allen is covering Whitekirk and Mr Martin will contact her on this issue.

9.2. Speed restrictions

Mr Martin is making progress with Keith Scott (ELC Roads Inspector) on moving the speed camera to other end of Whitekirk.

9.3. Tyninghame Motorbike Events

An email was received stating these events could be held 28 days a year. It was confirmed that Mr Wight had met with ELC Countryside Rangers to express concerns over wildlife disturbance and noise. Noise monitoring concluded it was not intrusive.

9.4. Litterbin

A standard ELC bin has been purchased at a cost of £400. This type of bin is needed to ensure it is emptied by ELC. Mr Martin is trying to reclaim the VAT.

10. Correspondence

10.1 07/09 L Jardine : Let's Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund†
10.2 08/09 Rages AGM 29/9 7m Knox 10.3 08/09 R Cramb: unfinished path at SMilne devt
10.4 09/09 AELCC: Planning presentation on LPlace Plan at 14 Nov meeting
10.5 15/09 ELC PForsyth: answers to queries re Markle Bridge
10.6 22/09 AELCC: Planning Democracy focus group 10 Oct
10.7 22/09 & others ELC NClark/CCumming: Motocross events Tyninghame
10.8 23/09 H White: funding request Xmas lights insurance
10.9 23/09 ELC Planning Policy and Strategy Team newsletter
10.10 23/09 ELC DHaig: Rural Communities funding from Inspiring Scotland
10.11 27/09 I Malcolm East Lothian Climate Action Network: Launch Event, 5 October 2022
10.12 28/09 ELC KScott: relocation of speed sign in Whitekirk
10.13 28/09 ELC JFleetwood: Community Emergency Plans

Mrs Cosgrove will attend the AELCC Planning Democracy focus group.
Hilary Smith from North Berick and Coastal Are Partnership will attend the next meeting.

11.0 Any Other Business

Watering point for East Linton.
Mrs Cosgrove has had no response from Scottish Water but is hoping the offer of a contribution towards the watering point will encourage them.
Sue Holder requested an update on responses from ELC and the police regarding Linn Rocks. No update was available. Mrs Priest may report at the next meeting. An agenda item will be added for the next meeting. Eilidh Shaw met with Craig Hoy who plans to arrange a meeting with the police and ELC. She has also contacted Kenny Black (ELC Safer Communities Team Manager) who informed her that anti-social issues are discussed at a meeting between the anti-social behavior team, the police and community wardens. Cllr Jardine confirmed this is a weekly meeting. It was also confirmed that people had been unwell after swimming in the river at Linn Rocks.

Mrs Hoban and Ms Pearson are making progress with the Dunpender News and have put out a final call for contributions by 17th October.

Sue Holder highlighted that the agenda was not available on the website. Ms Hunter confirmed the agenda was sent to the usual distribution list. Mrs Hoban will put a copy of the agenda and minutes in the noticeboard at Council Chambers, High Street to assist members of the community who may be interested but don't use the internet.

11. Date of next meeting: Thursday 3rd November 2022