Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - September 2021
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.45pm in The Stables, Preston Road
following the AGM held at 7.30pm

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift
Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr C McWhannell
Mrs V Hoban Ms A Pearson Mr D Wright

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson Cllr N Hampshire
Cllr P McLennan Mr G Skirving

1. Apologies: Mr E Martin Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of meeting held 3rd June - agreed. The AGM is held over until October.

3. Police Report

Community Officers are aware of complaints relating to speeding on Drylaw Terrace. In response to reports of drinking and anti-social behaviour at Linn Falls on 16th July a group were spoken to and warned by attending officers. There have been 2 reports of vandalism recorded in the area. Cllr Hampshire will take on the position of CAPP chair to alleviate issues caused when community officers are called away at the last minute.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Finance

Mrs Priest reported the current balance is £7445 with calls on that for approximately £2500. The grant for this year was £4587 and £3000 remains from last year. It was agreed to provide £500 to Whitekirk for a speed reactive sign. This will top up the grant received from North Berwick Area Partnership.

4.2. Visitor numbers

At a meeting held in Tyninghame Village Hall on 23rd August ELC confirmed the strategy being followed was to restrict numbers at Tyninghame Links in order to protect the estuary and salt marshes. It was also confirmed that the Countryside Rangers are opposed to the steading development due to a potential increase in visitor numbers. It was acknowledged that the key stakeholder group of visitors was not represented at the meeting and that any attempt to restrict the usage to locals would not comply with the Land Access legislation. Although concern was expressed over the number of vehicles at Yellowcraig Mr Swift reported that on one weekend rangers visited 62 tents and had a problem with only one suggesting the current education campaign is working. Eight new seasonal rangers have been employed. Cllr Hampshire expressed his view that visitor numbers seemed to better managed this year due to co-operation between rangers and police. He also confirmed that an app is under development to better direct visitors. Mr Wight reported that the barriers at Tyninghame have been deployed every weekend which is helping to manage numbers although there was concern expressed at parking on the main road. Ms Pearson suggested ELC website could be updated to provide a description of good behaviour in the countryside especially when camping. Cllr Kempson reported on issues regarding disposal of waste from campervans and caravans and suggested a system of aires could be useful and a source of income for farmers. Mr Wight suggested that clearer signage, fenced off areas, designated paths and restrictions on dogs in the nesting period could assist in protecting the environment.

4.3. Roads

4.3.1. Preston Road

Peter Forsyth has confirmed that traffic lights are the only solution as there is not enough space on either side of bend to make the road single carriageway with a priority system. A funding proposal for demand responsive traffic lights, a wider pavement and cycle paths will be put forward in next year's budget. A previous survey confirmed most people in East Linton are in favour.

4.3.2 Gateway Markings Mr Russel contacted Morag Haddow about 20mph gateway markings but was told this has not been done as currently the 20mph limit is not permanent. This will be addressed under proposals including several locations in the same situation. It was confirmed that the 20mph limit is, however, currently enforceable.

4.3.3 Grass verge at The Mart Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the grass verge at The Mart will be removed where the pavement needs to be widened to allow mobility scooter passage but will be retained where there is sufficient space currently as the grass verge gives an element of protection to pedestrians. Ms Pearson raised the issue of poor paving at the bus stop adjacent to The Mart.

4.3.4 Drylaw Terrace - Speeding Mr Skirving (in attendance) has confirmed that the 20mph limit on Drylaw Terrace is enforceable but is concerned about a lack of interest in carrying this out despite cars regularly exceeding the limit. Mrs Priest confirmed this had been looked at in 2004 when it was confirmed that speed bumps are not an option and that the very narrow pavement was not defined as such by ELC. Deployment of the pop up police has been requested and also roundels to be painted on the road but this canít be done until the 20mph limit is permanent. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that all communities were facing the same issue and suggested a funding application to DELAP for a new speed reactive sign. Apparently the sign purchases a number of years ago is now beyond repair. Mr Swift will investigate the purchase of a sign that records car speed going in both directions which could be deployed at various sites in the village to gather data which could be used to identify hot spots to be fed back to ELC and the police. Cllr Kempson confirmed that anyone driving at 40mph i.e. twice the speed limit would automatically lose their licence which is a useful message to communicate to drivers.

4.4 Paths - Drylaw Hill

Mr Swift reported no progress on a potential path on Drylaw Hill starting opposite Markle road end - Nick Morgan wants to look at all signage in the area first. The funding application for a path from Tyninghame to Binning is progressing.


4.5.1. Visitor Leaflet

Mr Russel and Ms Pearson have finished proofreading the draft and Ms Pearson has forwarded it to the designer/ printer. No timescales are available as yet.

4.5.2. Fountain

Mr Craighead confirmed that Sandies will repair reported rust. DCC agreed to purchase new timing clocks for the fountain and lights. Mr Martin will arrange their installation and completion of any wiring. Following completion the intention is to hand responsibility for the fountain back to ELC.

4.6.Dunpender News

Mr Russel and Ms Pearson have sent out requests for articles - copy to be provided by mid-October. New members are to provide profiles for inclusion. Cllr Kempson suggested an article on speed limits. Mrs Hoban will assist.

4.7.ELDA article

Mrs Priest agreed to write the next article.

4.8.Area Partnership and other meetings attended

Mrs Cosgrove attended DELAP on 30th August and reported on the presentation of a poverty plan including details of government grants. There was a proposal for a skatepark, including a pump track at Dunbar. Mrs Cosgrove was able to provide advice on funding sources and to confirm that DCC will provide a letter of support. There were no applications for funding submitted to the meeting. Applications for the next meeting need to be in by 4th October. There may be a public advertisement for a new chair.

Mrs Cosgrove also attended a Viridor meeting which covered a potential increase in traffic at the Cement works junction and a meeting of the A1 action group has been called to discuss. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the increase of 10 lorries a day in each direction is due to fly ash, previously going to landfill on site, being transported to Fife for conversion to building blocks.
Mr Swift retains the chair of the Local Access Forum for a further 2 years.

2. Train Services at Dunbar

Cllr McLennan reported all planned withdrawals to service are now not happening and there will be additional services by TransPennine starting in December 2021. These will also serve East Linton eventually. All services to East Linton are now under discussion.

3. Tyninghame/Whitekirk - 20mph

Cllr Hampshire confirmed that most villages with temporary 20mph want to keep them. The current order to make these permanent is doesnít include every location and he suggested Tyninghame apply to be included in the next order.

4. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Cllr Kempson confirmed that reports of early hedge cutting were not widespread and that checks had been made to confirm birds were not nesting. Cllr Kempson has raised concerns with ELC regarding white line installation by the owner of Papple Steading. Mrs Shaw Stewart will be asked to survey and highlight fingerposts in need of attention.

Mr Swift asked about the results of the public consultation on the Markle Crossing. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that Transport Scotland is carrying out design work and that the route has been agreed.

5. Planning

The application for East Linton Station will come before the planning committee on 7th September. There will be significant impact to the village due to the height of the towers, light and noise pollution and access paths. There will be announcements for each passing train and due to the height of the tannoy this is likely to be heard for some distance. The planning committee will apply conditions to the consent to address this. It was confirmed that the footbridge will stay and a footpath towards the Mart is being investigated.

Mr Swift raised the issue that the planning decision on Markle Quarry is not on the planning portal so there is not full clarity on any conditions applied. The availability of the bond for site rehabilitation is holding this back. Previous planning applications contained agreement to move the crushers etc. into quarry as it got bigger. Two management statements said this would be done within 5-7 years but there is no sign of compliance. DCC didn't object to the time extension but expressed concern re noise and dust as did Markle residents. Cllr Hampshire reported extensive debate on conditions and enforcement at the planning meeting. He also confirmed that a condition that planting be carried out in the next planting season has been appealed by Geddes. Cllr Hampshire will to feedback details of the conditions applied and the objections of the applicant. Mr Craighead asked about enforcement of wheel washing and Cllr Hampshire confirmed this was a road traffic offence to let mud get on to the road. Questions were raised about the lack of data on noise and dust levels and the issue of the applicant carrying out this monitoring rather than ELC and it being carried out at inappropriate sites. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that if residents monitored the site and demonstrated conditions were being breached then extraction could be stopped. Cllr Hampshire undertook to speak to Keith Dingwall about nonñadherence to conditions.

6. Correspondence

6.1. 11/07 C Pomfrey: grass on pavement at the Mart bus-stop
9.2 19/07 N Morland: Markle crossing/bypass suggestion
9.3 13/08 S Gilmour: Preston Road 9.4 15/08 Terracycle info
9.5 17/08 B Whitson: Preston Road 9.6 18/08 N Armstrong: Glyphosate use by ELC
9.7 21/08 J McGuinness: Path from Markle
9.76.8. 25/08 G Skirving: Speeding on Drylaw Terrace and Brownís Place

Ms Pearson reported on plans underway to install Terracycle recycling at the Mart which hope to eventually include recycling of crisp packets, blister packs, contact lens packets, writing implement except pencils, dental floss containers and toothbrushes.

Mrs Priest reported on a request from CAEL asking about a space for a wildflower planting workshop in the park - DCC preference is for the area along the railway line.

9.0 Any Other Business

Mrs Priest reminded everyone to submitted nomination papers. Cllr Hampshire confirmed signed copies could be submitted electronically. Mrs Priest reminded everyone we have an outstanding vacancy for a member to cover the Tyninghame / Whitekirk area.

10.00 Date of next meeting: 14th October 2021