Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - June 2021
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Ms A Pearson

Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel
Mr D Wight Ms V Hoban Mr C McWhannell

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)

Cllr S Kempson Cllr N Hampshire Cllr P McLennan

1. Apologies: Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of meeting held 13th May - agreed

3. Police Report

Enquiries are ongoing into an incident on 9th May 2021 at The Orchard. Two males breaking into containers were challenged by Security staff and responded aggressively, stole a tablet belonging to Security and made off in a white van. A male was charged with breach of the peace and two assaults following an incident on 27th May at Bridge Street. A report was received of illegal fishing at Linton Mill on 26th May. On 10th and 11th May there were two reports of theft of red diesel from agricultural vehicles parked overnight in the field next to Green Corner, Tyninghame. Mr Craighead raised the issues of dog fouling and village traffic at the last CAPP meeting. Mrs Priest confirmed that CAPP priorities are speed checks and anti-social behaviour patrols.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Finance

The current balance is £7805.32 made up of over £3000 from last yearís budget and new funding of £4587 for this year.

4.2. School

Cllr Hampshire confirmed there is no date set for this consultation. ELC have estimated costs to be in the region of 16 million pounds and are seeking clarification from the Scottish Government that they can provide the normal 50% level of funding. A consultation date will be set when this confirmation is received.

4.3. Roads

Cllr McLennan committed to following up with Mike Foy concerning the leaning tree at Prestonkirk and to arrange a meeting with Peter Forsyth and Robert Russel concerning the issues of the narrow pavement at that site.

4.4. Paths

Mr Wight will contact Nick Morgan for an update on the Binning Wood path.

4.5. Visitor Numbers

Mr Wight has had a response from Tom Reid who indicated that ELC do not want to increase visitor numbers at Tyninghame and will not increase parking provision as the Countryside Rangers are concerned with protecting the SSSI at the estuary. A meeting will be held with Neil Clark to discuss potential signage to better direct visitors and restricting access to the most sensitive areas. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the entire East Lothian coast, much of which is under International or European designation, is under pressure from increased visitor numbers due to an increase in population and an increase in staycations. Some car parks have been improved/expanded and there is increased monitoring to detect irresponsible behaviour. Permits are required for large groups to visit and there are guidelines around lighting open fires in woodland. More seasonal rangers will seek to educate the public and will be backed up by Police if required.
The planning application at Tyninghame Steading is still outstanding with an objection from the Countryside Rangers that increased visitor numbers would have a negative impact on this sensitive area. Nature Scotland is in discussion with the applicant and a proposal is expected. Mrs Priest confirmed that DCC had objected as the approach road has no passing places and is therefore unsuitable for increased levels of traffic. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that extra Police patrols would be carried out as S6 pupils break and parents driving teenagers to these locations with alcohol will be charged. Rangers will also be patrolling.

4.6. Bins

Cllr Kempson reported that Peter Forsyth has increased traffic warden presence in East Linton to address parking issues including parking on double yellow lines. She will chase Tom Reid about the bins taking up parking spaces in The Square as he had committed to speaking to the householders. Mrs Priest covered the reasons for the brown bin collections being monthly at the moment which have been reported in the Courier including the fact it is not a statutory duty for ELC to collect brown waste and safety issues due to COVID. Cllr Hampshire confirmed the council is committed to fortnightly collections and will resume that when staff and vehicles are available. Suggestions of home composting were made but concerns were raised about encouraging rats.

4.7. Projects

4.7.1. Visitor Leaflet

Ms Pearson reported an indicative cost for the visitor leaflet of £780 for design and £595 for printing. There was agreement in principle to proceed on the understanding that the final cost could be in the region of £1500.

4.7.2. Fountain

Mr Craighead has met with Mr Govan who has stated he does not want to connect the electricity to the new lamps. Mr Craighead and Mrs Hoban will investigate whether ELC can assist with this. As a potential alternative Mr McWhannell and Ms Pearson recommended Michael Black who advertises in the ELDA.

4.7.3. Pharmacy sign

Mr Craighead confirmed the owner doesnít want signage on a listed building.
The Pharmacy manger stated that the badly damaged sign had been dumped.

4.8. ELDA article

JP agreed to write the next article.

4.9. Area Partnership and other meetings attended

Mrs Cosgrove reported that finger posts at Whittinghame and Whitekirk would be refurbished. Mr Craighead raised concern about regular funding applications from Tyninghame and West Barns village halls and will raise it at the next meeting where there will be a briefing on Climate Change.
Mr Martin confirmed that current voting practices of only attendees voting will be retained at the North Berwick Area Partnership. Mrs Cosgrove attended the Viridor meeting and reported no news on the proposed plastic recycling plant. SEPA are concerned about increased emissions of Sulphur Dioxide thought to be due to careless treatment of waste by people carrying out DIY during COVID including disposal of plaster board in ordinary waste bins.

5. Planning Matters

Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the station planning application is not on the list as yet.

6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk - Vacancy for member

The outstanding vacancy for a DCC member to cover this area will be addressed when meeting in person is allowed. Mr Martin confirmed that Whitekirk Hall will be open outside for tea on Sunday 13th June with a chip and pin machine for contactless payment.
Mr Wight will chase ELC for detail on traffic monitoring at Tyninghame. Mrs Priest praised the work which had been carried out in Tyninghame hall lowering and insulating the ceiling, installing heaters and toilets.

7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Ms Pearson reported there is a new fence around the pond at the top of†Traprain Law which is installed to stop ponies damaging it.

8. Correspondence

8.1 15/05 DWarren, Whitekirk CC: thanks for grant for Hall
8.2 17/05 ELC, PForsyth: Mart entrance 8.3 19/05 ELHSC Teams meeting re bringing health services to Community Hospital
8.4 19/05 ELC: Cabinet papers with new Country Park rules 8.5 19/05 J Fowler: leaning tree at Prestonkirk
8.6 24/05 CCouncils: Planned improvement to rural mobile network 8.7 26/05 CAEL news
8.8 28/05 CCouncils: Community Covid testing in East Lothian/ordering home tests

8.2 - Cllr Hampshire will speak to Peter Forsyth about removing the grass on the pavement outside The Mart. Issues around the access are held under advisement.

8.3 - Mr Martin will attend the meeting and everyone was encouraged to pass any ideas to him. It was agreed it would be a good thing to have local facilities such as dialysis or Chemotherapy Chairs to reduce the number of trips to Edinburgh.
8.6 - Mr Martin has read this document and there is nothing specific for East Lothian. 8.8 - Details on how to order tests are on the Scottish Government website.

9.0 Any Other Business

Mrs Cosgrove will respond to the consultation concerning unfair treatment of miners at the time of the minerís strike. She has been in contact with Scott Gillies from Ormiston.
Mrs Cosgrove expressed a desire that the library reopen for use of computers, printing and scanning in addition to lending books. She will respond to the consultation. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that although the larger libraries have opened there is currently not enough staff to open the smaller ones with some staff currently working with the NHS on vaccinations. He gave a commitment that these would be opened as soon as possible.
Mr Craighead has been working with Ms Pearson on benches at Drylaw Hill and Stories Park. Mr Craighead attended the Medical Practice due to the defibrillator alarm going off. All three defibrillators have been checked and confirmed as working. Mr Russel raised the possibility of another Dunpender News to be distributed with the December edition of the ELDA. This was agreed. Mr Martin will provisionally book the hall at The Stables for the September meeting.

10.00 Date of next meeting: 2nd September 2021