Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - April 2021
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 1st April 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart
Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr C McWhannell
Ms A Pearson Mr D Wight

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr N Hampshire Cllr S Kempson
Cllr P McLennan

1. Apologies: Ms V Hoban

2. Minutes of meeting held 4th March - agreed

3. Police Report

Community Speed Checks were carried out in East Linton (Drylaw Terrace) and Tyninghame during the month of March. A number of warnings were issued across both areas in line with Lord Advocateís guidelines. One person was charged with threatening and abusive behaviour. Dunbar Area CAPP meeting @7pm 13th April 2021.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Station Update

Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Swift met with ELC transportation department on 8th March to discuss a proposal to close the level crossing at Markle and replace it with a bridge over the line taking the road around the existing level crossing. The bridge will cross the railway at a point where there will be minimum elevation; an indicative location is just to the north of the first pond encountered on entering Markle Fishery. The cost of the replacement crossing is equivalent to the cost of the new road and bridge which will be funded by the Scottish Government and not Network Rail. Negotiations between ELC and the landowner have commenced. Cllr Hampshire suggested a link to the A199 might be possible to help remove heavy vehicles from the village. Mr Wight challenged the wisdom of building new roads in a Climate Emergency.

4.2. School

Ms Hoban has responded to the school estate survey on behalf of DCC on the basis that the school building is old with two previous extensions, classrooms are insufficient for current needs and the kitchen and toilet facilities are inadequate. Mrs Cosgrove reported that there are not enough communal spaces in East Linton for people wanting to meet in the evening. Mrs Cosgrove and Ms Hoban, along with ELC councilors and Network Rail will attend the next Parent Council meeting on 22nd April. Cllr Hampshire stated that the Parent Council are concerned about the close proximity of the school to the station and they also want to be fully involved in the consultation on facilities and their operation in any new school. He confirmed that the consultation process will determine what the community needs and referred to the new schools at Whitecraig and Wallyford where the community has access to the school facilities when the school doesnít need them which means the buildings are used for an increased number of hours. The consultation process will start after Easter break to build up a picture of what the new school might look like and the facilities it delete include.

4.3. Finance

The year started with a balance of £9745 and ended with a balance of £3919 on 31st March. There are no outstanding bills to be paid. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the funding for this year would be the same as the past year.

4.4. CAEL update

The community gardens project is looking at plots around the village to see if any assistance is required with development. As a result CAEL have agreed to take over some of the work currently carried out by Groundforce. Negotiations have started with Mr Craighead and Longstone Residents and Tenants Association with regard to the Longstone playpark. This will continue to belong to the residents and they will carry the required insurance. They will also have final approval over any development proposals by a majority decision. Mr Swift raised the possibility of using the Rennie Place playpark. Mrs Priest highlighted the lack of a Rennie Place residents association to take responsibility for the park. She will contact Mr Johnstone who maintains the park.

4.5. Roads ñ Preston Road

Mr Russel will write to Keith Scott to ask for the slow sign on the road at the Glebe to be repainted and a similar one to be painted at the entrance to Smeaton. He also highlighted that due to the number of potholes on Preston Road it could do with a proper patching program. Cllr McLennan agreed to follow that up with ELC. Mrs Priest has raised the issue of the narrow pavement with ELC transportation department and has been informed that traffic lights were the only alternative and there was a cost consideration. Cllr McLennan agreed to arrange a site visit by ELC so that they could see the issues first hand and the three places where vehicles have hit the wall with a view to possibly coming up with a simpler alternative.

4.6. Paths

There has been a request for a path from the Markle road end down into East Linton. Mr Swift suggested that way markers directing walkers across the road into the Drylaw field would be the most appropriate solution as the field hasnít been ploughed to the edge so there is space to walk. He will contact the landowner to discuss. Mrs Cosgrove reported a lack of response from Nick Morgan over the muddy nature of the path between Knowes and the Black Bridge due to horses and bicycles. She will provide a diagram and Mr Swift will raise this at the next Local Access Forum meeting. Mr Wight asked that the path between Tyninghame and Binning Wood be raised at the same meeting.

5. Planning Matters

5.1. Papple Steading

The planning application has been successful. Cllr Hampshire reported that there were a number of conditions added to the consent. The recommended access to the steading is via the A199, signage and advertising material will promote this.
The developer will install passing places on the long, narrow access road. Consent to hold amplified music events will be in place for two years from the opening of the auditorium and will be monitored to ensure there is no nuisance to local residents. These are likely to be small events and are required to make the development a viable proposition. Planning officers will provide approval for external lighting with an aim to minimize spillage of light. There will be 82 parking spaces for staff and visitors and a planning condition to reduce private car use ñ there was a suggestion of running minibuses from East Linton. Cllr Hampshire also confirmed that meetings are being held with farmers to discuss the use of farming practices that reduce run-off onto the road network.

5.2. Karele

Nothing to report.

5.3. Monksmuir

Mr Swift has submitted the objection on behalf of DCC and has clarified to the case officer which retrospective planning applications DCC were objecting to.

5.4. Markle Quarry

Mr Swift reported that the application to not plant trees, lodged under this new application, has been withdrawn.

6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

DCC have responded to the land management consultation and Mr Wight and Mrs Priest have spoken to Philip Immirzi of Sustaining Dunbar about problems with visitor management. A general discussion about Tyninghame covered signage of routes to the beach, giving sensitive areas reserve status with access restricted to defined paths and park and ride from the train stations at weekends and bank holidays. A general discussion about Traprain Law covered erosion of the paths due to increased visitor numbers, litter, human waste and campervan parking. Cllr Hampshire confirmed restricting where campervans could park is difficult because they have road tax and are therefore allowed to park on any roads. ELC are looking at potential campervan sites across East Lothian and are working with police to direct people to these sites. ELC environmental health, countryside rangers and the police will be monitoring popular locations over the bank holiday weekend to assess the scale of the problem to give a view of what can be expected during the summer. Mr Swift made the point that private car parks were shut last year at areas such as Saltoun Big Wood and Hopes Reservoir because of issues with increased visitor numbers. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that this caused further issues with parking on verges restricting access by farm machinery. Mr Wight will draft a letter to Tom Reid, ELC head of infrastructure suggesting for this summer designated paths and increased car parking provision at Tyninghame and installation of portaloos at both Tyninghame and Traprain Law.

7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame


8. Correspondence

8.1 08/03 ELC: Meeting re Markle crossing proposals
8.2 12/03 L.Jardine, ELParent Council: invitation to 22 April meeting 8.3 15/03 S Murray (CAEL) : letter to Scottish Govt re supporting farmers
8.4 17/03 ELC, Transportation: Preston Road 8.5 17/03 Cllr McLennan: Preston Road
ñ Green Book etc
8.7 24/03 P.Immirzi: Visitor management problems, views sought.
8.8 30/03 ELC L.Smith:†Listening in Landscapes project in East Lothian

Mrs Priest has reviewed the Green book of rules for community councils.

It was agreed to support a Queen Margaret University Listening in Landscapes pilot project in East Linton with the primary school telling the story of the area.

9.0 Any Other Business

Mr Craighead is chasing the electrician Mr Govan with a view to completing the wiring on the lamps at the fountain.

Mr Craighead is following up on the location of the pestle and mortar sign and will contact the current occupants of the shop where the sign used to hang. He will also meet with the building owner of the new pharmacy to discuss possible re-installation.
Mr Craighead and Ms Pearson are working to install the remaining 3 benches. There are insufficient funds to install a bench in Willie Hamiltonís field. Mr Craighead reported that DELAP had provided him with £300 to maintain the benches following vandalism to a bench in Dunbar.
Mr Craighead confirmed that the Mart have donated the paving required for the work at the war memorial so the £50 agreed for materials is no longer required.
st March.

Cllr McLennan confirmed that community council elections would be in September/October. Mrs Priest confirmed that positions were geographically defined and that there is a vacancy for a member from Tyningham/Whitekirk/Lawhead/Newbyth.

10.00 Date of next meeting: 6th May 2021