Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - January 2021
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 7th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart

Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr C McWhannell
Ms A Pearson Mr D Wight Ms V Hoban

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)

Cllr N Hampshire Cllr S Kempson Cllr P McLennan

1. Apologies: None

2. Minutes of meeting held 3rd December - agreed

3. Police Report

11th / 12th December, Linton Service Station was broken into - keys to a motor vehicle and petty cash were stolen. The motor vehicle was abandoned a short distance from the Service Station. Enquiries are ongoing. The next CAPP meeting is to be held on 19th Jan.
Mrs Priest highlighted the issue of walkers and cyclists in dark clothing on dark roads and asked Mr Craighead to raise this at CAPP.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Primary School

The ELC bid to secure funding from the Scottish Government to build a new school was unsuccessful. It was indicated that the proposal needs to be more detailed in terms of design and location. ELC will progress this with a view to submitting a further bid later this year for a new school/community hub in line with those in other EL communities.
Cllr Hampshire indicated that an extension on the current site will be considered but was of the opinion that it may not offer the best value for money or create the best facility for the young people of East Linton. As previously indicated space on the existing site is limited even including the surrounding educational land. DCC registered their objection to any development at the current site that would result in any loss of the last remaining designated green space in the conservation area which is easily accessible and hugely beneficial to the well-being of the community. DCC will write to the education department to register that objection. Cllr Hampshire indicated the preference, if budgets allow, for a new school and once the design is ready later this year a public consultation will be held to allow public input to that design and to site selection. The timescale is to build by 2024 but this is tight. In the current design process 60 years is the anticipated life span of a school however in view of the Climate Emergency ELC are looking to improve on that and create a more sustainable building. Mrs Hoban reported that her application to join the parent teacher council will be considered at their next meeting.

4.2. Projects

4.2.1. White Bridge

Mr Russel worked with neighbour Keith Burns to fix anti-slip strips on the bridge. Positive comments have been received from walkers. The broken spar on the bridge has been reported to ELC. Mr Craighead enquired about the ownership of the bridge. Cllr McLennan confirmed that ELC did not know who owned it but were happy to maintain it when required.

4.2.2. Fountain

Mr Craighead confirmed that this is progressing well and should be complete within 3-4 weeks.

4.3. Finance

The current balance is £6681.48 and only known costs associated with the fountain are outstanding. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that ELC budget for community councils will be set once ELC have received their allocation from the Scottish government and set their own budget which will hopefully be complete by the start of March.

4.4. Spaces for People proposals (East Linton)

Mr Russel will chase Morag Haddow of ELC for a response on the proposals for 20mph signage at Preston Road entrance to East Linton.

4.5. Scottish Water Top-up Tap

Mr Swift contacted Scottish Water but has had no response.

4.6. Station update

Mrs Cosgrove confirmed work is proceeding at Reston. Mr Swift confirmed that the planning application for East Linton is not yet validated and so is not on ELC planning website. Mr Swift has contacted Network Rail regarding the Markle Crossing as after initial contact and agreement to use the fishery car park nothing more has been heard. The crossing is not showing as an on-going project on the Network Rail website.

4.7. Newbyth Woods update

DCC contributed to this consultation and are disappointed that a request to link paths in the area was not agreed to.

5. Planning Matters

5.1. Papple Steading

Mrs Shaw Stewart and Mr Swift expressed frustration with ELC planning department who are not allowing sufficient time, over the holiday period, for response to a large complex application. The current extended date provided is 15th January. Cllr Kempson, Cllr Hampshire and Cllr McLennan will contact planning to request the response date be extended to 31st January. Over fifty documents have been submitted as part of this application and members are unclear as to the main function of the complex. It is acknowledged that there will be significant impact on both the small rural community of Whittinghame and the conservation area around Traprain and residents have had very little time to assimilate the information and respond. The normal pre-application consultation process allows public comment which then goes forward to the ELC detailing the public views and actions the applicant will take to address these. There has been no public consultation.
DCC agreed that restoring and repurposing the existing steading in a sympathetic manner would be welcomed but more clarity was required around management and transport links. Cllr McLennan supported a meeting with the developer and it was agreed that the developer will be invited to the next DCC meeting in February. DCC will write to ELC to request an extension to their response date due to the developer consultation. Cllr McLennan also highlighted that the Scottish Government have been encouraging Zoom meetings in relation to planning applications and will pass details to Mrs Shaw Stewart. Concern was expressed over the timescale for responses as the next planning meeting is on 9th February and DCC requested that the date for response by DCC be pushed back beyond that. Cllr Hampshire explained that the planning officer would make a report to the committee on that date and a late submission (up to 7th Feb) by DCC would be heard at the meeting but would not go forward in any appeals as only the planning officer report is considered. Given the scale of the application and the number of statutory bodies to be consulted it is unlikely any decision would be made in February.

5.2. Karele

Ms Pearson reported that the new planning application is not registered as insufficient evidence has been provide by Karele. She confirmed that cars are still coming and going, tack is being stored in the portacabin, horses are being tacked up in the arena and sometimes taken along the road with children on their backs which is unsafe. Karele are claiming pony club and parties are taking place at Rockrose but the above is still happening at the disputed site. The original enforcement notice to cease included the arena which was incorrect and had to be re-issued by which time the new application was made leading to residents feeling let down by the planning department. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that horses can still be kept in the field next to the arena but that the arena should not be used until the new application is determined, nor should the portacabin.

6. Whitekirk ñ cycle path to East Linton

Mr Martin agreed to carry this over to the next meeting.

7. Tyninghame

Traffic calming measure cannot proceed until the next financial year. Heaters have been installed in the hall and the planning application has been submitted for renovation of the toilets and a change to ventilation in the kitchen. Attempts to get long term lease on cricket pitch have not been successful with a one year renewable lease as the only option.

8. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Allison Cargill House was gifted by the Balfour estate to the Guides and part of that gift was that it should also be used by community. As the house is used by Guides and Brownies mainly at the weekend the community is looking for more weekday access at an affordable cost. They will approach East Lothian Guides and DCC will provide a letter of support if required.

9. Correspondence

9.1. Knowes Weir update

A Water Environment Fund (WEF) project is underway with plans to remove the weir in order to increase habitat for migratory fish. Partial removal, leaving part of the weir intact on the southern bank, is also being considered. Under both options the lade will remain and the feasibility of pumping water through the lade is underway. Ms Pearson reported that SEPA and an Hydrologist visited on Monday to measure flow of the lade and are still proposing a gravity pump to bring water to the lade but they are not sure how realistic this is cost wise and who would be responsible for maintenance. Mr Swift spoke about the historical importance of the lade to both Preston Mill and Tyninghame Mill, expressing disappointment that completed ecology reports were not circulated to DCC. He will contact SEPA on this.
This item will be re-visited following the quarterly update from SEPA in March.

10.0 Any Other Business
Mr Craighead reported that at Monksmuir there are now two caravans and a completed shower block on the building yard without planning consent and there has been no response from ELC. Mr Swift confirmed again that DCC had previously objected to a caravan on that site which has since been removed but now replaced by the existing structures. Cllr Hampshire will request an update from Keith Dingwall on whether a planning enforcement officer visited and any potential action to be taken. This will be communicated back to Jim Cutler at Monksmuir who is the resident's representative.

Mrs Cosgrove reported that ELC had confirmed the resilience volunteer network is not being re-instated as the current recommendations allow people who were shielding to shop and care to be provided at home. Mrs Priest has circulated details of ELC coronavirus helpline to members to pass on to anyone in difficulty.

Mr Russel has agreed to write the next ELDA article.
Mr Craighead highlighted the Christmas lights and presents delivered by Santa on his sledge. DCC complimented the Christmas lights committee on their hard work.

11.00 Date of next meeting: 4th Feb 2021