Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - March 2019

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
Thursday 7th March 2019 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Mr B Craighead
Mrs J Parish

In attendance Mr A Jeffrey
Ms T Ward
Mr A Gibson
Mr D Warrender
Whitekirk resident
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

• Apologies
Mrs J Priest
Ms A Pearson
Mr R Russel
Mr D Wight
Mr E Martin
Mrs Shaw Stewart

• Minutes of previous meeting held on 6th December 2018
There were no minutes from DCC February meeting.

3.0 Police report
None submitted.

4.1 Paths

Mrs Parish is working on a letter to be distributed regarding the Rennie Place path, she wishes to visit each property herself.
Also discussed the trees cut down on the Right of Way from Rennie Place to Markle, these were cut down by the landowner. A resident had contacted DCC with concerns about how severely these had been cut back/down ñ Mrs Priest had passed on the landownerís details to the local resident and explained that there were no tree preservation orders on the trees and no felling license was required.

There has been barbed wire put up in front of bench at the Weir, despite placing bench where landowner wanted. Walkers are unhappy. It is understood that the landowner will be putting cattle in there. Mr Swift brought this up at the recent Local Access Forum. This is part of John Muir Way and route to NTS Preston Mill. There is concern about cattle being is close proximity to dog walkers and dogs. Nick Morgan, ELC to speak to the landowner informally.
Mr Craighead gave an update of progress with bench funding from Area Partnership. By the end of financial year, Mr Craighead intends to have in stock materials for 6 benches and 4 seats.

4.2 Roads
The road surface at Kingsburgh Gardens is breaking up again. Mr Swift to email Peter Forsyth, ELC as there may be some money left in roads budget at this time of year. There are a number of Scottish Water covers which are broken or missing all round East Linton. These do not appear to have been replaced despite recent survey.

4.3 ELDA article Possibly skip the ELDA article for this month.

The AELCC meeting is on Monday 25th March ñ this is made up of representatives of the 20 Community Councils in East Lothian.

It is possible that Charlie Perfect from SEPA may attend DCC meeting next month. If so, invite Morag Cook from Tyninghame Mill to attend meeting.
SEPA update is that they have submitted a short report and are undertaking a ecological survey of the Lade.

5.0 Planning:-
Two Whitekirk residents spoke to DCC on behalf of Whitekirk Community Company regarding some possible building work planned to take place behind Whitekirk Hall. Planning permission is being sought for a 2 storey dwelling near Whitekirk Hall. There are concerns about the impact of any dwelling on Main Street residents and to any future activities of Whitekirk Hall. It is understood that the current owner wishes to sell the land with this planning permission. DCC advised WCC to contact 3 x North Berwick Coastal Councillors with concerns. DCC voted on issue after discussion and agreed to support an objection to these plans ñ 4 out of 5 DCC members were in favour of this action.
There is a new application for a new house in the grounds of Traprain Manse in East Linton. DCC to find out if there is any public opinion.
Mr Swift reported that he had checked with Nick Morgan, ELC regarding use of Phantassic Road ñ there are no figures for this. There used to be a counter on Knowes bridge where it was estimated that 12,500 per year used the bridge. There has never been an incident of complaint made about vehicles or farm machinery. This information can be passed onto Mrs Stephen.
Residents at Monks Muir have raised concerns regarding the owner building another 3 units and having taken down large trees to make way for these units. Ian MacFarlane, ELC has advised that planning permission is not necessary for these extra dwellings because the site is classed as a caravan park. The current site bears little resemblance to original Monks Muir plans however it appears not much can be done as the units are on wheels. These is now no recreation facility for residents or room for residentsí meetings. The residents have tried to complain to the owner of the site. The residents pay CT and ground rent so this situation appears unfair.
6.0 Treasurerís report
Mr Robson reported that he was working with a firm of accountants in Haddington was to complete the end of year accounts.
There are concerns that money has been removed from DCCís budget despite the fact it was allocated towards projects, discussed and decided to raise a complaint to ELC.
Discussed Walks leaflet and if this project could be funded in the next financial year.

7.0 Projects
Discussed Community Fair ñ date set for Sunday 25th August, 10am-3pm. Mrs Parish has asked a number of local groups if theyíd like to do the catering as a fundraiser and is awaiting responses. Mrs Parish is currently contacting groups to see who wants a stall.
The Gala has a new committee. DCC are expecting a funding request for hire costs of the marquee.

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Speed reactive sign is in place on A198 and seems to be working well.

9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues

ELC Countryside Ranger dealing with signs around Traprain Law.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Network Rail will publish their document of work in March for period 2019-24. This is expected to include banking and vegetation clearance.
RAGES banners have been put up locally with assistance from Willie Hamilton. There is no new information about the progress of East Linton station.

No bus complaints.
New electric vehicle charging points in East Linton appear to be well used.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations

Correspondence not listed this month.

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

The Horticultural Society are visiting Kinegar, Wallyford on 14th March, all welcome to join them.

Discussed Wok ëní Go bus parked in Mart car park and operating as a takeaway. This is a bright yellow double decker bus situated adjacent to a conservation area and a listed building (auction mart). Planning permission has been granted for 2 years for bus to be parked there, but now bus has moved, does it need to reapply? Concerns raised over working practices/hours, toilet facilities, disabled access, fire access.
Mr Craighead to visit the Mart and find out about expansion/huts.

Email received from ELC regarding toilets in East Linton park, new policy in place for new financial year. New opening hours will be published then and new signage up. Mr Craighead to investigate in park.
Discussed temporary closure of Linton Inn due to licensing issues.

Thursday 4th April 2019