Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - April 2018

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
on Thursday 5
th Apri 2018 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift Mrs F Finch, Mrs L Shaw Stewart Mr B Craighead, Mr D Wight Mr E Martin, Mr G Gray

In attendance Mr A Jeffrey, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

Apologies Ms A Pearson

Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st March 2018
5.0 Replace the word ëhousesí for ëlodgesí which more accurately reflects the plan.
9.0 Correction of spelling ñ changes ëMinsterí to ëMinisterí.
Otherwise accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report

Road Safety: One driver arrested, cautioned and charged with drink driving early March.

Litter: Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.

CAPP priorities set on 14th February 2018:- - Speeding on A1087 between Queens Road and Broxburn
- Houses of multiple occupancy at Harbour Court
- Lack of visibility of road kerbs and islands due to mud
There has been a complaint from ELPSPC regarding parents parking on double yellow lines around school. Police have stated that this is a Local Authority matter ñ to ask the parking warden to visit at drop off/pick up times. Mrs Cosgrove to chase up the School Road plans discussed in 2014.This would close the road to traffic at certain times of day and should alleviate the issue.


4.1 Paths
Stories Park path has been mended by ELC Groundcare team ñ ELCís Stuart Pryde has been emailed to say thank you. This was done at no cost to DCC leaving £800 free to be reallocated to other projects in Local Priorities budget.
Mr Russel emailed Philip Gray after a complaint regarding Preston Mill field where mud has been churned up by Prestonmains farm tractors. The answer was that Prestonmains is a working farm and Mr Gray also mentioned problem with dog mess if he were to put stock there. This field may need to be fenced off and all are aware that this wonít be a popular decision.
3 benches have been installed along riverwalk. The 4th bench will be placed on 26th April - Ms Pearson and landowner to decide where this will go. Handmade benches ñ 2 for Smeaton Lake (1 where bench is now and 1 near cliff), 1 at Preston Mill weir.
Other suggestions discussed included Tyninghame Links car park and for more formal benches, Toddlers Playpark and possibly replace picnic bench in Park.
4.2 Roads/pavements
A new 20mph reminder has been painted on the road outside Co-op. Mr Russel to email Keith Scott ELC to thank him and remind him about discs on lamppost.
At the halfway point through the 20mph trial, there were average speed counters in East Linton High Street to compare data taken before & during the trial. Mrs Cosgrove to ask Peter Forsyth ELC for this data. Mr Gray will do the comparison summary.
Mrs Priest has applied to AP for £30,000 towards Preston Road lights- if this is granted, this will still not be enough to complete project ñ estimated at £50,000. There may be section 65 money available from new housing development. Mr Swift pointed out that the southern wall at Prestonkirk is now designated ñ Mrs Cosgrove to check with Paul Zochowicz what impact this will have on any planned work. This may delay plans or equally open up opportunities for funding.

The streetlights out on Lauder Place have now been fixed. The lights on the old bridge have been out for a while ñ these are repeatedly struck by farm vehicles. Glen Kane ELC has ordered some lights reportedly less liable to be damaged. These are decorative in style and are expected to be received by mid April.

4.3 Common ground

4.4 ELDA article
Mrs Priest to write ELDA article for May ELDA.

4.5 Park/Skatepark (P7 visit)
The procurement process for the concrete for skatepark has started ñ this takes a year. Ms Pearson and Mrs Cosgrove to consult P7 again soon. It is noted that nothing is going to happen regarding re siting skatepark until the meeting about the park, School playground etc to be organised by Cllr Hampshire has happened.

4.6 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
NBAP ñ nothing re. DCC.
DELAP ñ applied for money for Preston Road. At the meeting, Mrs Priest spoke briefly about Preston Road plans but didnít get the chance to make a presentation. DCC carry one vote. Mr Craighead is DCC representative and Mr Wight agreed to be deputy.
Mr Russel attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group meeting. There is severe erosion in ramparts, this area will be fenced off and sandbags put in. A floating staircase on Traprain Law is a possibility and Lottery money has been applied for. Environmental protection needed and temporary black netting is in place. All this work is being overseen by ELC Landscape & Countryside dept. There is an exhibition planned around the anniversary of Traprain Law treasure discovery on 12/5/19.

Confirmed who is attending forthcoming community resilience events ñ Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Robson are attending the event in Haddington on 26th June, Mrs Finch is attending the event in Musselburgh on 27th October ñ Mrs Priest to confirm attendees with Sandy Baptie, ELC.
On request from Sandy Baptie, ELC, DCC nominated 2 people to liaise directly Mr Baptie in the case of an emergency. DCCís representatives will be Mrs Finch and Ms Pearson (if she is willing).
Plan to re-issue Dunpender Community Council Resilience leaflet. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to check all telephone numbers and update defibrillator list. All to review current leaflet and suggest changes/updates.
Discussed community reaction during recent spate of bad weather. Whittinghame/Stenton/Whitekirk all able to communicate by email/online. The Day Centre staff transported food to membersí homes. It was decided that Dunpender and East Linton is a small enough area not to need a formal structure for community reaction in an emergency. Mrs Priest to arrange putting a list of where snow shovels are on Dunpender website.

5.0 Planning Matters

Monks Muir:-Mr Swift has seen the 1990 planning application for Monks Muir and has sent further queries to ELC. The finalised plan of the area does not look anything like the site now. There appears to be no limit to the amount of units as long as they are moveable. Discussed the definition of moveable and fixed units. The two green areas were intended to be an overspill of short stay caravans and a play area. Awaiting ELC response.
Whitekirk Hill:-
The application for planning permission for the Clubhouse has been submitted to ELC. 71 people visited recent exhibition and 12 feedback forms were completed. If this planning permission is granted, then the current outstanding permission for the hotel and 42 houses lapses. The majority of residents have no problem about the Clubhouse being redeveloped but have issues with the lodge development. However, at present only planning application for Clubhouse was discussed. Discussed whether to let this go to delegated procedure or request application is looked at by Planning Committee ñ decided to request this for lodges phase, but not for Clubhouse application. Re. Clubhouse, discussed widening access road junction with A198 and lack of bus stop for Clubhouse ñ DCC decided to ask for this to be a condition of planning. Members to send input to Mr Martin who will prepare response on behalf of DCC with assistance from Mr Swift. Mr Martin to request extension to response date so that DCC, as a statutory body, can discuss at next DCC meeting.

An application for retrospective planning permission has been submitted for the paddock and for stables at Sunnyside. It is very close to the Grade B listed cottages ñ this may also cause issues with rats, vermin, drainage and smells. Ms Pearson, who lives in one of the cottages, feels that the site and access is not ideal for an equestrian operation. The stables have been operating for a year with no permission. DCC discussed and decided to object to this application. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to write letter of objection on behalf of DCC, she will send this round for comments & contributions before submitting this to ELC.
Markle Quarry:-
Discussed 3 active Markle Quarry planning applications, none of which supersede each other ñ these are for the rescinding condition 32 (objected)/quarry extension (didnít object but requested quarry adhere to conditions)/extra quarry extension (retrospective).
East Linton Community Hall:-
Hall Committee requested that DCC apply on their behalf to put a new sign on the front of the Community Hall ñ DCC gets a preferential rate from ELC. DCC currently have no representative on Hall Committee.

6.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Mr Robson advised that the 2017/2018 account documents had been collated and ready to be audited, these will be delivered to the Accountants within the next few days. † The Outturn for 2017/18 showed balances of £4,023.32 and £2,489.97 for Current and Grants Accounts respectively, and the spreadsheets agreed with the RBS bank statements.† The current figures for 2018/2019 show balances of £3,990.32 (Current Account) & £2,489.97 (Grants Account).† The Local Priorities 2017/18 spreadsheet, previously circulated showed a carry-over to 2018/19 of £2,201.74.† Lilian Pryde ELC has been sent a copy, confirmation and advice of new allocation for the new year, 2018/19 will follow.† Subsequent to this, a 2018/19 spreadsheet showing the carry-over and any suggestions for new expenditure, will be submitted to DCC. Local Priorities for 2018/19 to be discussed at a later date.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mr Wight has contacted ELC to request a salt bin for Tyninghame. Discussed a proposed path from Tyninghame to Binning Wood and shown plans. Mr Swift will bring this up at next Local Access Forum on 24/4. Mr Wight to contact farmer and liaise with Mr Swift.
Whitekirk broadband has been upgraded after lobbying by Mr Martin.

8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues

9.0 Public transport/RAGES

The next RELBUS meeting is on 18/4, Mrs Cosgrove will try to go. Discussed need to lobby for co-ordination in bus times & train times. DW to send AC information on this.Mrs Cosgrove continuing to attend Community Rail Partnership meetings.
RAGES are hoping to have meeting with Transport Minister. All DCC encouraged to reply to ELC Local Transport Strategy consultation.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects

Mr David Affleck is getting costs for heritage boards.
Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Russel are liaising re. the Robert Noble boards. The Hall Committee are chasing up the missing defibrillator cabinet ñ cheque has been cashed.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
th March
11.2 4/3 ELC S Baptie: Severe weather ñ resilience plans 11.3 4/3 ELC K Baird: ELCV website goes live
11.4 4/3 D Affleck: Heritage Boards 11.5 6/3 ELC Education Committee meeting 13 March
th March
11.7 8/3 ELC L.Pryde fwd: PAS services for CCís 11.8 8/3 ELC M.Winter: Statement of Licensing Policy -consultation
11.9 9/3 ELC Local Review Body Agenda 15 March 11.10 9/3 ELC S Baptie: Resilience meeting/contact details
11.11 10/3 & 19/3 L Dorrian: new sign for Community Hall 11.12 12/3 Post Office: Consultation on move to Mart
11.13 12/3 ELC A McLellan Bus Forum meeting 21 March 11.14 12/3 ELC L Pryde: Changes to structure of East Lothian Partnership
11.15 12/3 ELC L Pryde fwd: Improvement Service re bank closures 11.16 15/3 J Bell: Moss/weeds removed from footbridge
11.17 20/3 ELC Planning Committee 11.18 22/3 Tyninghame Village hall newsletter
11.19 22/3 P Gray: mud in field at Preston Mill & other info 11.20 26/3 M Haddow: RELBUS meeting 18 April
11.21 27/3 ELC G Kane: info on streetlights Lauder Place and Tyne Bridge 11.22 27/3 Phone A Phillip re playparks in Rennie Place & Longstone Ave.
11.23 3/4 ELC L Pryde fwd: consultation on update of Licensing procedure 11.24 3/4 ELC L Pryde fwd: Celebrate Community Councils
11.25 4/4 Tyninghame Village Hall: thanks for contribution.
See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

There is no news on the scrapyard site and they havenít yet applied for planning permission.

Thursday 3rd May 2018