Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - March 2012

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 1st March 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair), Ms A Cosgrove, Ms K Moulin, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson Ms S Richards Ms A Pearson, Mr M Strachan, Ms P Stephen, Mr J Swift, Mr B Craighead Mr J. Armstrong

In attendance: Cllr P McLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, Isobel Knox (Dunbar SNP), Hayley Flanagan (Dunbar Labour Group), Ian Waugh (Sustaining Dunbar), Andrew Turner (local resident), Andy Grant (East Linton FC), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)


4.6 Request for more park wardens, to be amended to:- Request for more path wardens


4.1 Community-owned energy projects
Members of DCC listened to a presentation by Ian Waugh from the Dunbar Community Energy Company about the possible benefits of a community owned wind turbine at Dunbar. Letter requested from DCC if support project when planning application submitted, members to discuss at later date.

4.2 Secretary, Vice-chair positions
Mrs J Priest nominated Mrs A Cosgrove for Vice-Chair, Mr J Robson seconded.
4.3 Park
Questionnaire re. park has been prepared and will got out as insert in Dunpender News (cost £75 plus VAT), Mr J Armstrong to speak to Alastair Seagroatt re. setting up a return email address for questionnaires. Amendment to questionnaire – trees’ common names should be included with Latin names in brackets.
Mr J Armstrong to contact Andrew Hogarth, ELC Landscaper and Countryside re. picnic benches and benches and to look at varnishing the plaque at Coronation Avenue. Discussed broken gate and large puddle at Bank Road exit to/from park, Mr J Armstrong to discuss with park sub-committee to see if they will take this issue forward.
Andy Grant from East Linton FC told DCC members about problems with the football pitch and tabled some plans for practice pitches which will form part of the discussion on the ELC Draft Open Spaces Strategy.

4.4 Paths
DCC were successful in their application to Community Environmental Fund with application for path to footbridge from surgery – granted £800. Mr M Strachan to take project forward.
Ms Pearson informed group about the Paths for All grant, which is available up to £1,000. DCC discussed and decided to apply for funding for orientation noticeboards at Pencraig Hill, Ms A Pearson to apply on behalf of DCC – to contact D Priddle at ELC for original artwork.
Sign at top of Traprain law re. quarry discussed at Local Access Forum, some in community feel is directive. ELC has requested comments, Ms A Pearson to ask walking clubs for comments and reply to ELC.
Next Local Access forum on 25/3, Mrs S Richards and/or Mr R Russel to attend.

ELDA article /Dunpender News/new media
Mr R Russel to do ELDA article.
Ms S Richards is working on Dunpender News, print run 16/3, currently 12 pages and questionnaire insert. To be distributed with ELDA (1,500) and placed in ELPO (200).

Meetings attended
Mr J Swift did not attend Economic Development seminar – no report.
Mr B Craighead reminded DCC members that he regularly attends CAPP meetings, so any police matters to be passed to him. Aware of current issues re. dog mess in park.
Mrs A Cosgrove attended Local Plan meeting and listened to a plan presented by an agency.
Mr B Craighead requested that Cllr N Hampshire let him know when next Belhaven Hospital forum meeting is.

Speed check currently in place at Preston Road entrance to East Linton.
Still issues with ivy on Preston Road – Cllr P McLennan to get someone to look into this.
Railway bridge no. 66 being repainted in 2017.

Ms K Moulin informed DCC that Browrigg turbine had been refused.
3 planning applications in progress.
Haddington Town Centre Vision first meeting took place on Wednesday 29 February – very well attended, approx. 70 people. Next meeting Tuesday 28 March, 7pm.

The Current Account stands at a healthy £1,119.78, which accounted for travel expenses, Members' stationery items, £220 refund of Choir & Primary 7 donations, and a grant of £800 from the Community Environment Fund for the Surgery Path maintenance.  
The Council Grants Account balance stands unchanged at £3,294.06.  
Since the demise of the `cheque guarantee card` organisations no longer accept cheques, so in the case of the Post Office, they are issuing a Cheque Authority Card to cover such - DCC has been issued one with a limit of £250.
The Local Priorities Budget of £7,179 is fully committed, and East Linton Playgroup had received their donation of £300.  A £1,062.38 quotation for the Whitekirk noticeboard had been received and accepted.

None tabled.

None tabled.

Diamond Jubilee to be celebrated by holding community Big Lunch (Eden Project initiative) in East Linton hall – bring your own picnic. Hall to be decorated with old photos of East Linton. Mrs J Priest to take forward.
Discussion re. info board near surgery previously on Station House wall. Proposed to put in surgery grounds if surgery agree, needs posts. Mr R Russel to take forward.
East Lothian Council are sending someone to price painting the fountain.
Discussion re. Civic Pride Fund, all to think of something to apply for funding for.

Minister for Housing and Transport, Keith Brown, visited East Linton on 28 February 2012, looking at Scotrail franchise consultation. RAGES/Cllrs/Iain Gray MSP/Sustrans/BBC in attendance. Cllr P McLennan has to send more info to him and officials. Cllr P McLennan reported to DCC that report has been published that East Lothian has largest population increase in Scotland.

11.1 ELC: Civic Pride Fund
11.2 EL Primary 7: Thank-you letter
11.3 Haddington Town Centre Vision workshops
11.4 (e) ASCC conference Dunblane 18th April
11.5 (e) Scottish Govt: event re social housing 8 March Edinburgh
11.6 (e) ELCPP: 3rd March Meeting 9.30am Haddington re Community transport
11.7 (e) ELCPP: 10 week community activist course
11.8 ELLCPP: 2 April 7-9pm Cty Planning review meeting (Mrs J Priest, Mrs S Richards, Ms A Cosgrove potentially attending)

Miller Homes, what is happening with development? – due to complete first homes by 2012/13.
Discussion re. Post Office and The Crown possible community buy-outs – Big Lottery Funding?

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 5th April 2012