Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 06-2010

Minutes of meeting held on 3rd June 2010
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Dr J Pooley, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Ms E Kilpatrick, Ms K Moulin

In attendance: Cllr J Bell, Cllr N Hampshire

Members of the public: Mr J Gray Mr T Brand

1.0 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Cllr P McLennan, PC K Hughes

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

PC Hughes was unable to attend, but sent in a report.
Police have been made aware of a number of complaints received during the last few weeks in relation to youths playing on the grass area in front of the library at Prestonkirk Gardens. Although this area is maintained via local residents paying a gardener, it is still open to the public. Patrols will be made to move on the youths and a number have already been spoken to.
The Orchard Mains cottage up on the hill opposite the old speed camera site is still under renovation. It has been targeted a number of times recently by persons who have broken in and caused mindless damage. Police request for people who walk in the area to be vigilant. If youths are hanging around please report to Police. PC Hughes has no names at present and wants to put a stop to this before things progress.

Operation Euro is now up and running which is increased patrols by, officers on Mountain Bikes, Horses, and Quads etc in the coastal car park areas in an attempt to deter thieves. The main area of concern for us is at Tyninghame car park, which has been targeted in the past. Visitors to the area are asked to report anyone seen behaving in a suspicious manner to the Police as soon as possible.

On 20 and 21 May 2010 Lothian and Borders Police in partnership with East Lothian Council and NHS carried out a drugs operation, entitled Operation Erase in East Lothian.
This followed a long period of intelligence gathering and resulted in houses being searched under drugs warrant in towns throughout the county. 26 houses were targets.
Breakdown: Musselburgh –12, Prestonpans – 4, Tranent – 3, Wallyford –1,
Dunbar – 4, Haddington – 2.

32 persons were arrested and have been reported for numerous drug offences and other offences, including child protection. They all appeared at Haddington Sheriff Court the following day and 8 persons were remanded in custody and the remainder were released on bail with special conditions. The media were present during the searches and the operation has received extensive positive coverage. During the searches in excess of £34,000 worth of drugs were recovered. Officers were deployed into the areas that were targeted to deliver letters to households to re-assure them. The response from these areas and the general community has been very positive. The re-assurance patrols by officers and East Lothian Community Wardens will continue.
It is vital the community play a leading role in the fight against drugs in our communities and they are encouraged to make the call so police can take the action and build safer, stronger communities in East Lothian.
The CAPP meeting was rescheduled for 17th June due to Operation Erase.

Traffic issues at Monksmuir were brought up by residents Mr Gray and Mr Brand. They reported that turning right into Monksmuir is very difficult, as morning traffic is travelling very fast and frequently overtaking on the chevrons, which is illegal. There have been many near misses at this junction. Heavy lorries regularly pull out at the nearby Beanston junction, reducing visibility. Elderly people are often trying to cross the road to get to the bus stop and find it extremely difficult and dangerous. Messrs Gray and Brand would like to see the chevrons taken 30 yards back towards East Linton, a no overtaking sign and a pedestrian crossing. Cllr Bell has taken lots of photos of the junction and will take this matter on. Mr Craighead will write to Colin Baird on behalf of the Community Council and send a copy to the Police.

4.1 Paths
Regarding the badly damaged path from Phantassie to Tyninghame, Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr Cochrane is currently doing maintenance work on the river banks, after which Nick Morgan will arrange repair work to the path. The white bridge has been repaired.
The massive hard core on the Markle path is already causing difficulty to path users. Nick Morgan has suggested that the bigger stones need to be physically removed or broken up. Mrs Ferguson will pursue this. It was agreed that the Community Council would pay Jon Champion to strim and tidy up the Markle path.
Mrs Ferguson will alert Nick Morgan to the large hole on the Hailes path, which could pose a hazard to runners doing the Law Race on Saturday12th June.
4.2 Roads/Pavements
The new signs for Lochhouses and the bridge at Tyninghame are now up.
Mr Russel has received the mirror for Smeaton entrance and will now speak to Kenneth Gray. ELC has asked for the signs for Smeaton on the wall of Prestonkirk to be removed.
4.3 ELDA article for June
Mr Russel will write this.
4.4 Dunpender News
The next edition goes to the printer on 16th June and will come out in July.
4.5 Fairtrade East Linton
Ms Kilpatrick attended the meeting at East Linton Primary School, which is hoping to get Fair Trade status.
4.6 Sustaining Dunbar
Ms Moulin attended the last BeGreen meeting and reported that a discussion had taken place regarding BeGreen having a legal entity. It had been observed that Community Windfarms had allocated money without going through the steering group. Some local farmers want to put up their own wind turbines and Stenton Village would also like its own turbine.


The Current Account balance is £584.17, after reimbursement of £500 from the Local Priorities Budget. Mr Robson will chase up the annual Community Council Grant (Admin Budget) of £570 which is meant to be paid at the beginning of June.
The Grants Account balance is £3599.35.
The Local Priorities Budget for 2010/2011 was still provisional as final Outturn figures for the previous year had not been provided by East Lothian Council.  Mr Robson will remind Mrs Pryde.

Ms Moulin noted that the Luggate Burn is still blocked. Mr Alder reported that a gulley on the road from East Linton to Whittingehame is filled with gravel which gets washed out every time it rains. A permanent repair is needed. Cllr Bell will take this up.

Mrs Ferguson will write to Markle Fisheries regarding large amounts of litter around the Fisheries since they have been open.
Mrs Ferguson observed that the footbridge over the Peffer Burn at Markle, well used by local dog walkers, is being repeatedly thrown in the river. It is hoped to find out who is doing this.
The roads and drains at Markle are finished.
There is a vacancy for a Council member for Whitekirk, Tyninghame and Newbyth as Ted Hill is standing down after two years service. It was agreed to advertise the position on the notice board at Tyninghame.

A power socket for the clock will be installed within two weeks.
Pencraig Info Panel
Mrs Priest has applied for funding for this.

ELC Community Planning Meeting is on June 5th. Mrs Priest, Mr Robson, Mr Russel and Mr Craighead will attend.

A consultation on the 120 bus service indicates that it is mainly used by older people and teenagers. It is much valued as the only service passing through Whitekirk and Tyninghame.
Ms Cosgrove was present when the first Scotrail train on the new Edinburgh/Dunbar service came into Dunbar station last week.
A suggestion for a Community petrol station was considered. It was generally felt that the stations in Haddington, Dunbar and North Berwick were adequate.

11.1 Haddington Twinning Association Newsletter May 2010
11.2 ELC Consultation on Licensing Policy
11.3 ELC Consultation on Gambling Act
11.4 SESplan Main Issues Report consultation
11.5 Mrs J Forshaw re House repairs
11.6 (phone) Mr McMullen re Community Enterprise Petrol Station (see 10.0)
11.7 Sustaining Dunbar newsletter
11.8 AELCC General meeting minutes Feb 2010

A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs Priest for all her hard work.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd September 2010 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.