Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 12-2007
Minutes of meeting held on 6th December 2007
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms J Pooley, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart                                  
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, Cllr. N Hampshire
Apologies: Cllr D Berry, Cllr Rankin, Cllr S MacKinnon, Cllr P MacLennan, Mr W Alder, PC K Hughes, Ms L Kilpatrick                    
Mr Russel pointed out that in section 14.0, paragraph 5, “Keith Barnes” should read “Keith Burns”. The following section should have been 15.0, not 16.0. Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
There were no incidents of note since the last meeting. PC Hughes reported that since making enquiry into the spate of vandalism to windows in the village there have been no further reported incidents. Enquiry is still ongoing into this with further youths still to be seen.
Constable Leslie is currently on light duty until after the festive period and may even be extended further. Because of this PC Hughes will be covering Dunbar and West Barns as well. He will endeavour to carry out foot patrols in the village when he can.
Regarding the ongoing issue of mud on the road at Markle Quarry, PC Hughes reported that a recent visit by ELC found that although the road surface was discoloured, nothing was seen that merited a visit to the quarry or serving a notice at that time. ELC stated that they would continue to monitor that area as part of their normal inspections and take action as required. The issue has also been raised with the planning team regarding possible action to enforce use of the wheel washing facilities. Obviously if members of the public have any issues / concerns over this they will act quickly to resolve them.
There were no further items of interest to report.
Mrs Priest attended the CAPP meeting in Dunbar. The main issues were
1.      Youths on the High Street, Dunbar
2.      Dog Fouling
3.      Speeding traffic (mainly West Barns)
4.      Parking in Dunbar
4.0              MATTERS ARISING
Mrs Priest thanked Mr Craighead for laying the wreath on Remembrance Sunday.
4.1              Paths
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr McCue, a tree surgeon, met with Mr Tsang, a resident of Rennie Place whose garden is more exposed since the Markle path was cleared. The Council wants certain trees in the hedgerow kept but feel these need tidied up. It was agreed that the Community Council would fund 4 new trees, which would be planted out from the boundary, giving more privacy.
The willow trees at Preston Mill lade are not the responsibility of ELC. Mr Gray has organised a tree surgeon to deal with the matter.
The path that connects the Glebe to Preston Road is very overgrown. Before agreeing to clear it twice a year the Community Council needs to know whose responsibility it is. Mrs Priest will check with residents.
4.2       ELDA article for November/Dunpender News
Mrs Priest thanked Mr Russel for the November article. She will write the January article.
Mrs Priest then thanked Ms Pooley and Ms Kilpatrick for an excellent edition of Dunpender News.
4.3        Lighting on footbridge
Cllr Bell reported that Brian Stalker has said he would get someone from Transportation to contact Network Rail regarding the lights.
Mrs Ferguson has rung Network Rail regarding the lights on the footbridge and the painting of bridge no.66. She has a reference number and will ring next week for an update.
4.4       Park- practice lights for the football team
The cost of the practice lights will be about £1600. Mr Robson has put in an application to the Community Environmental Fund for £1200 towards this.
Cllr Hampshire is still looking into an all-weather sports facility in East Linton. He has spoken to the Head Teacher, who has said that the school would use such a facility, if it were available and would also use the pavilion.
4.5       Roads/Pavements – various
The broken signs will be replaced at the beginning of next year. Posts have been erected in Lauder Place for over six months, but no one-way signs have been attached to them. Cllr Hampshire will check with Peter Forsyth.
Brian Cooper has said that the drains in Longstone Avenue will be done in the next two weeks.
4.6        Streetlights/light on hall
The new streetlight is in place outside the Drovers. Ms Cosgrove will find out about the light on the Community Hall.
Cllr Bell reported that a safety audit has been carried out on the West entrance to East Linton as it is an awkward junction. The auditors will look at repositioning of signing, with lighting to make it more visible. The Community Council is happy for this to proceed.
Mr Russel mentioned that the new street light at the Heritage Orchard is now not working.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £7558.72 in the Grants account, allowing for money to be paid to John Champion for path maintenance.
There is a balance of £2412.84 in the Current account, allowing for £250 for the football team, £127.52 for stamps and stationery and a refund of £1125 from ELC for maintenance of Jessie and the fountain.
This year’s budget is fully spent after paying for the light at the Drovers, the plants for various flowerbeds and baskets and our contribution to the Church car park. The light at the Hall and the football pitch lights will be paid from the money refunded to the current account.
Ms Stephen showed the Council a Spokes cycle map of East Lothian. It was agreed that this is a very good map indeed. Ms Stephen has ordered 50 copies, which will be available for sale at Votadini and Tyninghame coffee shop. Mr Robson will refund Ms Stephen £82 from the current account.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported a great deal of thorns on the road at Tyninghame, following hedge cutting. She is concerned that they could cause punctures and will contact Brian Cooper.
7 members of Dunpender Community Council were present at a meeting in Whitekirk to hear the proposals for development. The Community Council’s stance remains the same. It would look favourably on a hotel but is opposed to housing. Ms Pooley reported that Whitekirk residents are generally against the proposals, with only about 15% of their members supporting the development.
Nothing to report.
No planning application has been submitted for the wall at Monksmuir, despite advice that this should be done. Cllr Hampshire has spoken to Brian Stalker, who should take action to enforce this.
Mrs Priest asked the Councillors for their thoughts regarding the future of St Andrew’s Church. Ms Stephen had been for a look. Historic Scotland want the gallery kept. Ms Davidson and Mr Seagroatt do not want to sell the vestry.
A music space or a backpackers hostel were suggested as possible uses. Ms Stephen will get back to Ms Davidson to say that Dunpender Community Council would support any of the suggestions she had previously put forward.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mrs Priest attended the Local Plan meeting. Mrs Shaw-Stewart voiced concerns regarding steading developments and the building of new farmhouses.
The new draft plan was looked at. There will be 50 new houses in East Linton.
Ms Cosgrove will look at the draft Affordable Housing Policy consultation document.
Ms Stephen observed that a Planning Application has been submitted for 2 houses on Haddington Road, at the old Auction Mart.
     Christmaslights/ tree
Dunpender Community Council is happy for a tree to go up in the Square.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart observed that the last tree was left up until March and requested that it be taken down straight after Christmas.
Cllr MacLennan met with First Bus. The X6 and X8 are not 30 minutes apart from East Linton any more as this was the only way a 20 minute service from Haddington could be achieved.
The coaches in use were put on to give amore comfortable ride on the route. First claim that most people like them.
Ms Cosgrove will attend a meeting with Councillors and First Bus on 15th January at Haddington House.
Ms Cosgrove reported from the RAGES meeting on 3rd December. The aim is to get Scotrail to start a service to Dunbar as a first step towards reopening the station at East Linton. Funding is needed as well as training for Scotrail drivers between Drem and Dunbar. Cllr Berry sent in a comment that he was deeply disappointed with the lack of progress by SESTRANS on this matter.
12.0          CORRESPONDENCE
12.1          ELC: Trees at mill lade
12.2          Lothian & Borders Police: mud on A199
12.3          EL Horticultural Assn: account for Beautiful Scotland plants
12.4          SEPA View: Autumn 2007
12.5          RAGES Rag issue 35
12.6          Scotways Annual Report
12.7          EL Involvement Group: Autumn newsletter
12.8          ELC: Antisocial Behaviour Helpline
12.9          NHS: Lothian Joint Physical & Complex Disability Strategy Consultation
12.10      ELC: Draft Affordable Housing Policy 2007
12.11      Email NBCC re North Berwick Museum consultation
Ms Cosgrove attended the quarterly meeting of Leader Action Group. The next lot of money will be available in the summer. The Association of Community Councils is looking to obtain a large grant for dispersal among Community Councils thus cutting back on the paperwork required.
Dunbar Parent Council is looking for Community Council members to attend occasionally. DCC to be kept informed of meeting dates and agendas and to attend where appropriate.
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Community Liaison meeting. He reported that the SOX scrubber is up and working, as is the master crate plastic packer.
There is now less SO2, less dust and less gypsum by-product.
            Barns Ness Caravan Site relocation will receive an £800K grant from Lafarge.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 10th January 2008 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.